
For Sale

Saturday, October 18, 2008


I don't know how she does it every week, but Jen just keeps coming up with one great sketch after another, and this week is no exception! I really enjoy being part of the SFYTT team because it really forces me to think outside the box and get out of old sketch habits. I'm not saying it's a bad thing to have a "go-to sketch", actually that's a good thing, but to improve your stamping skills (or as Napolean Dynamite would say: skillzzz), I really feel that you need to try new sketches, new technics, new bellies! 'Nuf said.

With the long skinny rectangle as the focal layer, I once again went to my American Art Stamp stash and decided on this image from their cling mount set called Holiday Fun. The other stamping includes the sentiment from CTMH's Say It With Style set, and the snowflakes from CHF's Joyeux Noel. All stamping is done in Ranger Walnut Ink (love that stuff) with the exception of the snowflakes which are stamped in Versamark and embossed with Irridescent Ice embossing powder. Paper is Kraft, True Thyme, Riding Hood Red, Whisper White and Basic Grey's Figgy Pudding 6x6 pad. As for the embellishments, or as I like to call 'em--bellies: Felt Flurries snowflake, Basic Grey buttons and that yumm-O ribbon from SU! found in the holiday mini catalog.'s your chance to stretch yourself: play along with Jen's sketch today and if you decide to upload your creation to SCS, just use the keyword SFYTT; and/or if you have a blog, leave a link to your blog in the comment section of Jen's blog entry for today. Last but not least, don't forget to check out the SFYTT team, including Jen and her super-duper October guest designer Nancy Riley.


Have a great weekend!


carole (TruCarMa) said...

LOVE that yummy fat striped ribbon at the top -- so festive!!

Jackie Pedro said...

LOVE the colors and I LOVE that yummy fat striped ribbon, too!! LOL! Great interpretation of Jen's sketch!!

Have a great weekend!!

Nancy Riley said...

Absolutely fabulous, Amy! I love the striped ribbon! Yes, we were both thinking buttons! The way you used the tag punch on the left side strips - genius! Wish I would have thought of that!

Amy Sheffer said...

Oh my goodness!!! This is absolutely GORGEOUS!! That ribbon up top is perfect! Love the image, too.

Cindy Haffner said...

OMG Amy i love this, it rocks.

Shannan Teubner said...

DUDE!! This is awesome!

Jessie/knightrone said...

This is unbelievable!!! Awesome Awesome!!

Unknown said...

love, love, love this layout...gotta use it!

beautiful colors, and that ribbon is too yummy...awesome job!

Megan said...

This card is gorgeous!!! What great work!

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous design! Love the ribbon! And you always know just what to do with the stick people!

Shannon Erskine aka e3stamper said...

Wow! Amy I love this! Great take on the sketch!

Anonymous said...

this is fabulous!! one of my fave with this sketch!!! TFS

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Linda M said...

Hi �� I was wondering if you still have this stamp and would be willing to let me buy it. I’ve been putting together a collection of Karen Stopler’s stamps and saw this post online and thought I’d reach out to you.


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