
For Sale

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Kiwi Skinny!

I decided to turn things upside-down a bit with Jen's sketch this week and with my use of non-traditional Halloween colors, with the exception of black. Pink Passion and Kiwi Kiss were still in my head and on my stamp table from the card in my previous post, so I decided to change it up a little and use those colors along with black for my leggy witchy-woman! And, since she's so darn tall and skinny, I had to flip the sketch to accommodate her, he he!

Just a couple of notes on the stamping part: my skinny witch is colored with reinkers and a blender pen; her black boots, hat and cat, as well as the pink portions of her skinny outfit are all shined up with Crystal Effects (even though its a bit hard to detect in my photo).

Jen has a new and fabuloso guest designer lined up for October--Nancy Riley/stampinat6213, so be sure to stop at Jen's blog to see what those two have done with the SFYTT. Also, check out the other witchy-women (just kidding, girls!) while you're out blurfin' around, and if you can play along, remember to use the keyword: SFYTT when uploading to SCS, and/or leave a link to your blog on Jen's blog.

Amy S.

Stamps: AAS Halloween2
Paper: Bella Rose dsp, Black, Kiwi, Pink Passion
Ink: Palette Noir Black, Kiwi & Pink Passion reinkers
Accessories: blender pen, Chills & Thrills rub-ons, Crystal Effects, scallop edge punch, clips asst


Amy Sheffer said...

Wow, this is incredibly eye-catching, Amy!! Love the hot pink for Halloween. The large polka dots and big black gingham are perfect together!!

Nancy Riley said...

What a FUN card! I love the colors and fun patterns ... and the way you turned the sketch on it's side! Brilliant!

Thanks for your kind words and mention! Have a FANTASTIC weekend!

Unknown said...

as amy said- very eye catching!

Shy said...

Cute! Love the gingham ribbon. :)

Jackie Pedro said...

This color combo is fabulous! LOVE the gingham ribbon! Great card...

Christina Ammann said...

Wow, eine super schöne Karte!

Kristie W. said...

This is such a cool card! I saw some of these stamps yesterday, but I thought they looked too hard to color. You make it look easy!

Erika H. said...

I love these out-of-the box for halloween. Love it.

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