
For Sale

Friday, October 3, 2008


I was browsing through the latest issue of my PaperCrafts magazine the other night (actually wrestling it away from George before he shredded it) when I spotted a really fun color combo of red, green and hot pink featured on a Christmas card (pg. 67 of the Nov/Dec 08 issue if you have it). I was inspired to create this fun little ditty, keeping it simple and hopefully fresh at the same time.

Thanks for stopping by and have a merry morning!

Stamps: Typeset Alpha lower; PTI Green Thumb (dots)
Paper: Kiwi, Pink Passion, Riding Hood Red, Whisper White
Ink: Craft White, Kiwi, PP, RHR
Accessories: scallop & circle punches, button


~amy~ said...

WOW! The pink passion POPS! LOVE the colors!!!!

Broni said...

This is adorably simple and so much fun! I love it!

Marlou McAlees said...

love this card :)

Anonymous said...

What a cute and simple card....those colors are fabulous together!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! So simple. So swanky!

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