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Sunday, May 11, 2014

MFT Release Countdown - You Mean The World To Me

Welcome to Day 2 of Release Countdown with My Favorite Things! Only one more day until all of the new MFT products will be released for purchase in the MFT Boutique! Be sure to check in at the MFT Blog daily for complete details and full reveals of products.

I'm featuring this month's Free with $60: Centerpieces You Mean The World To Me Die-namics in combination with another of today's features, Die-namics Lightbulb.

I literally combined the Lightbulb and World Die-namics by first die-cutting the bulb and then embossing it with the globe portion of the centerpiece. To add a bit of color, I water colored my light bulb globe using Blu Raspberry and Sour Apple ink with a simple watercolor brush and water.

Just below the bulb is the Centerpieces World sentiment, which I used as a stencil. After adding a drop of Sour Apple reinker to a bit of embossing paste to give it a pale green color, I swiped the embossing paste over my stencil with a credit card, removed the stencil and let it dry overnight.

I used the same stenciling technic on the inside of the card, but this time I used the globe as my stencil. I'm thrilled to say that I'm hooked on this embossing paste/stencil technic that I've been skeered to try for months!

A simple Blu Raspberry heart from Blueprints 15 was all I needed to finish off the inside.

Thank you for sticking with me this week. Just one more Release Countdown day and we've made it! Continue checking in at the MFT Blog for up to date info and opportunities to win and I'll see you back here tomorrow.

Release Countdown products will be available for purchase May 13th at 10pm EST.


Voegelchen said...

Absolutely gorgeous!!

loulou said...

What a fantastic card. I love the way you combined the die and the great colours and arty style.

I Card Everyone said...

So awesome! Plus you've inspired me to try that cardstock - the new kraft? =]

Michele F.

Lisa H. said...


Anonymous said...

You are so smart, great idea!

Tracey said...

Seriously?!? Love how you combined the lightbulb and the globe! Amazing Amy!!

AmyR said...

For serious? I never would have thought of using the lightbulb like that - LOVE it. And haha on the embossing paste - it's totally addictive ;)

Queen Mary said...

Great cards -- my only complaint -- Ireland's not really on the map! :(

Parker said...

You've made the Lightbulb and the World go together like two peas in a pod. Good job.

snappy scrappy said...

Fab, love your water coloured light bulb!!!!

Shanna Shands said...

Fun idea!

Goldie said...

This is brilliant! I love it! I must have that globe!

Tammy H said...

So cute. Love the earth on the lightbulb. Great idea.

Kelli B. said...

So creative combining the light bulb set with the world set.

Nora Noll said...

Just adorable!! I love how you combined the images of the lightbulb and the earth.

Jeannean said...

Love it!

Kathy Krug said...

Fabulous idea to put the map inside the light bulb.

Emily Leiphart said...

This is just the coolest, Amy! I LOVE how you combined the earth die with the lightbulb die!

Marcia Taylor said...

Such a creative card...ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!!!!!!!

Katia said...

this is one of my fav cards, is so beautiful!

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