
For Sale

Thursday, May 8, 2014

MFT Release Countdown - Bowtie Onesie

Welcome to Day 5 of the Release Countdown with My Favorite Things. We're counting down the days until all of these hot new products can be placed in your MFT shopping cart on Tuesday, May 13th at 10pm EST. You'll find complete details at the MFT Blog along with full reveals of today's featured products and links to all designers playing along.

My card features more of Blueprints 15 along with the sweet little bow tie from today's featured Suit and Tie Die-namics.  As soon as I saw that bow tie, I immediately thought of adorning the Baby Onesie with it, just couldn't help myself!

The Banana Split layer needed a little 'something', so I embossed it with the All Lined Up Stencil, and then embembellished it further with buttons from Suit and Tie and the wide fishtail from Blueprints 15.

Inside is a sweet sentiment from Beautiful Baby, a must-have baby set from last month's release.

Thanks for stopping by for Day 5 of the MFT Release Countdown. BE sure to stop at the MFT Blog for today's Release Countdown details.  Below are direct links to the MFT products used on today's card. Links to new products will be functional on Tuesday, May 13th at 10pm EST.


Links to Release Countdown products will be functional next week at release time. All other links are available for use now.


Tammy H said...

How cute. Love the use of this for a baby card.

ScrappinGrammie said...

Your card made me smile! Very cute & clever.
Anita J

Judith said...

Perfect for a cool little baby boy

Joy said...

Oh my gosh could this be any cuter, love love love this Amy, hugs

Helene said...

omg.. so cute. A little new gentleman.. :-)

Debbie Nelson said...

What a cute baby card!

Angel said...

Coolest baby card ever!

Diane Jaquay said...

This is so fabulous, I love the stripes on the yellow paper and the layout using BP 15, and of course the cute onesie with the bow tie!!!

Amanda said...

Such a cute idea and it really made me smile lol. Hugs, Amanda x

SkyPixie17 said...

Love this entire setup! From the texture of the stripes and the buttons, to the offset background, to the stinkin' cute bow tie on the onesie! Absolutely adorable!

Parker said...

Never thought to put a tie to a onsie! Great lookin'. Thanks for the inspiration.

Kathy Krug said...

The bow tie on the onesie is soo out of the box.

Betty Meyskens said...

So cute! Love the All Lined Up stencil you used on the lemon yellow - give it that added texture....the bow tie is really cute too!

Janelle said...

Love your idea for dressed up Little Man. So Cute.

Marcia Taylor said...

Such a precious card!

Queen Mary said...

Amy, what a beautiful onesie! Cute use of the bow tie!

Sharon Harnist said...

Too darn cute, Amy -- LOVE this!

Anonymous said...

Very cute and smart!

Katia said...

what a cute card!

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