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Friday, November 20, 2015

Reverse Confetti - 25 Days of Christmas Tags Event

Hi all! I'm so excited to be playing along with the 5th annual 25 Days of Christmas Tags event! Reverse Confetti is today's feature, so I hope you'll take a minute to meander over to the 25 Days of Christmas Tags blog to see what the Confetti Crew has in store for you!

I'm sucker for traditional Christmas colors but opted for a neutral palette for my 'joy to the world' tag. I thought it would be fun to bring in some old school woodgrain texture in both the Winter Words 'joy' and Stitched Flag Trio fishtail flag peeking out beneath the globe base.

I decided to layer two tags for a little more sh'bang and even stamped a background on each! The top tag is stamped with So Stripey and the bottom tag with 'to the world' from Winter Word Coordinates.  In lieu of a traditional circle/globe, I opted to layer up two of the smaller Wreaths Confetti Cuts for a little unexpected fun. 

I hope you've enjoyed my 25 Days of Christmas Tags and will be inspired to join in on the fun. I know I'm ready to make a few more myself after perusing the 25 Days of Christmas Tags blog posts - so inspiring!


~amy~ said...

Such a beautiful tag!

TracyM #6773 said...

WOW - there is a WORLD of WONDERFUL in your tag Amy!!!
LOVE the colour combo and LOVE the design of your PRETTY layers - LOVE IT ALL!!!
THANK YOU for sharing :)

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