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Monday, September 14, 2015

SPD SugarSketch 30 - Football Birthday

I have to start this post with a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my youngest on his 8th birthday! We did a little (lotta) celebrating over the weekend, so I'm going to keep this short and sweet, but I'll be back later to show you how I stretched my SPD SugarCuts dies, I mean really stretched, like yoga stretched!

Did you KNOW you could make a football from the Zig Zag Stitched Circle  + SugarCuts numbers? I'll be showing you how real soon, so stay tuned.

Crazy how in-tune this month's SugarSketch is with a clean cut football theme, isn't it? See the links below for all of the SugarPea Designs products used in my card.
Here's a peek at the original sketch which I followed quite closely. More inspiration for the sketch can be found HERE at the SugarPea Designs Blog.

Thanks for stopping by today. I hope I've inspired you to yoga-stretch your stamps and dies this week. 

SugarPea Products:


Celeste Goff said...

What an awesome masculine card!

Wendy Ramlakhan said...

I can't even!!! xoxoxo

Stacey Schafer said...

how fun! what an awesome combo of elements, Amy!

I Card Everyone said...

Would you look at that ... truly looks like pigskin! I'll be watching!

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