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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

MFT Release Countdown - Day 6

I am so stinking excited about today's Release Countdown post, and I'll give you a little hint: something really 'SUPER'! You got it - this SUPER adorable new set from the Birdie Brown line at My Favorite Things called You're Super.  I can't stop looking at her 'cause she makes me giggle, and giggling is 'super' healthy!

You're Super comes with a ton of sentiments to mix and match as well as an accompanying Die-namics You're Super, so a fussy cut look is a snap!

I started with an embossed Lemon Drop layer which was first die cut it with Blueprints 14 and then embossed with the Starry Night stencil. I then added another Red Hot layer, die cut from Blueprints 14 and stamped with the city line stamp from You're Super in Electric Red ink.

I can't stop giggling over her super cool mask which I coated with MIX-ables Sheer Sparkle Glitter Glaze. I got a little crazy with the sparkle glaze and treated her boots and shirt to sparkle as well. Even the Blueprints 14 stars got a nice coat of sparkle glaze.

Speaking of those stars...they're perfectly coordinated with super girl's outfit because I colored them with the same Copic marker! They're part of the Sun, Moon & Stars Die-namics.

Finally, a peek inside the card with uses more of the Die-namics You're Super and Blueprints 14 elements. I backed the row of open circles with more card stock colored with my Copic marker to really coordinate the colors.

Thanks for stopping by for Day 6 of the MFT Release Countdown. BE sure to stop at the MFT Blog for today's Release Countdown details.  Below are direct links to the MFT products used on today's card. Links to new products will be functional on Tuesday, April 8th at 10pm EST.


Links to Release Countdown products will be functional next week at release time. All other links are available for use now.


Tracie Pond said...

fun card....I like how you added the stars

Unknown said...


Tracey said...

This is a fabulous set!!! Love your card Amy!! Looks awesome!!

Debbie Nelson said...

Love the boots and mask....such a fun card!

Lisa H. said...

sooooo awesome! I love all the sparkle, Amy. super cool!

Kristie Goulet said...

Super cool card!!! Love all the sparkle!

Felicia said...

Wow your card is Super Cool!

Parker said...

I like everything about this card... the layout, color-combo, all the textures. Good job.

jeannine said...

Great colors! She looks super cute with the blueprints set!!

Kelli B. said...

Super cute card! I love the embossed yellow background! The stars are perfect!

Diane Jaquay said...

She's totally ADORABLE, and I love the bright, vibrant colors you used!

Tammy H said...

I just love her. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Girls are so awesome. Definitely super heroes!!

Marcia Taylor said...

SUPER cute!!! Her glasses really put the card to the next level...AWESOME.

Unknown said...

I love this little super hero.

Mclay said...

You're Super is SUPER!!

Patt H. said...

Fabulous card! Love the boots & mask!

Nora Noll said...

This is adorable!! I love the sparkle on the stars, shirt, mask and boots of this image. The way you created the background is amazing too. Such a fabulous card!!

Anonymous said...

Love these new dies, and the cute card you made with them.

Anonymous said...

Oh shut up!!! Look at her! I am so getting her! Great job GF!

Renee V said...

This is a gorgeous card, love the glittery black mask, and that subtle cityscape is a masterpiece!

Shanna Shands said...

So adorably fun!

Kathy Krug said...

Love the buildings in the background. Great card.

Anonymous said...

A Super Girl that burns calories. You can't beat that! She is so much fun and I love her sparkly glasses. ;)

Holly AKA KopyKat said...

She is so cute!

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