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Thursday, February 13, 2014

MFT Release Rewind - Day 2

Welcome to my Release Rewind post, where I hope to inspire you with more ideas for those goodies you've purchased and are patiently waiting to be delivered, or help you finish up your list if you're still on the fence. Direct links to all products used on my cards can be found at the bottom of my post for your shopping convenience!

Both of my cards use the larger than life sentiment set, Simply Fabulous Sayings, along with PI Sassitude and the Die-namics Chandelier.

First up is that fabulous Chandelier Die-namics cut from Blu Raspberry card stock.

I layered that fabby chandelier on a Fuse Green Insta-Frame that I stamped with my new fav backgrounder, Striped Background, and a Primitive White Fishtail Flag.

I used the negative space square from the Insta Frame to stamp a sentiment on the inside and embellished it with Blu Raspberry dots leftover from Blueprints 12 and the chandelier. The Grapesicle flag was cut from the double ended fishtail flag also part of Blueprints 12.

My second card also uses that fun Grapesicle - Fuse Green color combo with a fun new Pure Innoncence set, Sassitude! I've again used Striped Background, on the vertical this time, and another newly released backgrounder, Cheetah Background. Fun combo, huh?!

After stamping and coloring, I gave each layer a spritz of Mix-ables Sheer Shimmer Mist to add a little extra 'sassitude' and left her hair uncolored just because this chick likes to do things her own way! I remember my daughter wanting nothing to do with me fussing with her hair, just like this little gal. ;-)

Inside is a trio of sentiments from Simply Fabulous Sayings in Fuse Green, Grapesicle and Steel Grey ink.

I hope I've inspired you with my cards today! Please check in over at the MFT Blog for a complete list of designers playing along today as well as complete details on the Release Rewind. Thanks for stopping in!


Sharla said...

I really love the blue chandelier...both cards are so fun and fabulous!!

Anonymous said...

Both are great but the first is so pretty, love that look!

Amanda said...

Very nice cards. I really like the Instaframe die and how you layered it with the other elements.

zehra said...

Pretty cards

Marcia Taylor said...

Great cards! You definitely captured the Sass in the PI card...too cute!

Debbie Carriere said...

Such great cards, Amy!!!

Holly AKA KopyKat said...

This is so beautiful, I love it.

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