
For Sale

Friday, December 11, 2015

Reverse Confetti December SFYTT

Time's a flyin' folks! It's already time for my December Sketch  For You To Try post which means we're almost halfway through the month...are you ready for Christmas?! I'm getting there, slow but sure, so I've used this month's SFYTT to add one more card to my Christmas card stash. 

Once you see the original sketch, you'll see that I sorta omitted the rectangular layer. I tried, people, I really tried, but it just wasn't workin' and it was time for bed! It's there, you just can't see it - sorta like Santa, right?! Point it this - you can make the sketch your own, we just want you to come out and play! 

I think most of my handmade cards this year have the Holly Confetti Cuts somewhere on them - I adore that die! I'm not normally one to push a sale on you, but you can't go wrong with it, but right now it's out of stock, so sign up for the waitlist to be notified when it's back in stock. 

Once you've got your SFYTT card all ready, link it up over at the Reverse Confetti blog for your chance to win Confetti Cash! Click HERE for the direct link. Have a great weekend all, and thanks for stopping by today!


~amy~ said...

So dainty and sweet!

Celeste Goff said...

Love how CAS it is and great take on the sketch!

Carol (HB) said...

LOVE this! You have such a knack for making CAS look over-the-top FAB!

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