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Thursday, October 22, 2015

Wrap It Up - Peace

It's Thursday, welcome! I'm sharing a project I've made with Reverse Confetti Confetti Cuts and accessories for this week's Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - Wrap It up!

I've wrapped up a Frosted Pillow Box that Reverse Confetti now sells with ivory burlap held together with Cappuccino Twine, also available at Reverse Confetti. I've used a trio of Confetti Cuts on the tag - Holly, Winter Words and Tag Me. The holly leaves are watercolored with a mix of greens and peace is cut from a scrap of corrugated cardboard. I just love the woodgrain look of it!

If you're looking for more ways to wrap up your holidays, check out the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge for inspiration!


~amy~ said...


Celeste Goff said...

What a gorgeous little pillow gift box Amy!

Marisa said...

Gorgeous w/c holly leaves and a wonderful project.

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