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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

MFT Release Countdown - Day 7

It's that time of the month again -  the countdown to the next release at My Favorite Things, affectionately known as Release Countdown! Each day of the countdown you'll find complete details and full set and product reveals at the MFT Blog, so be sure to check in there as well.

Today I'm sharing a must-have, classic Easter set from Lisa Johnson Designs called Easter Bunny, and a coordinating Die-namics Easter Bunny. I have so many ideas swirling around in the old noggin' I can't see straight!

I paired Easter Bunny Die-namics with elements from the next installation of Blueprints #13 for a clean, classic Easter card. The sparkling blue bunny is a Blu Raspberry card stock Easter Bunny Die-namics covered in glitter.

I just love the fonts Lisa has chosen for the sentiments and stamped one of them in Blu Raspberry ink on a Dimensional Banner Die-namics, curving the sentiment to the shape of the banner. What's more classic than stripes, so I chose the Striped Background stamp in Banana Split ink.

Inside is a layered fishtail banner using elements from Blueprints #13 in Banana Split, Blu Raspberry and Primitive White ink and card stock.

Thanks for stopping by for Day 7 of the MFT Release Countdown. I'll be back tomorrow, so please come see me! Below are direct links to the MFT products used on today's card. Links to new products will be functional on Tuesday, March 11th at 10pm EST.


Anonymous said...

Cute card!

MJWeber said...

I'm usually not a fan of yellow, but I love it on your card! Ah-h…Spring! So cheerful.

mae said...

Love the yellow! Cute card!

Pam Young said...

I love your card!! I especially love the bunny and the texture you've given him!!

loulou said...

What a great spring colour combination. Love that glittery bunny

Debbie Nelson said...

Cute bunny!

Grace said...

Love the color combinations. The bunny is so cute. I like the script used in each of the banners.

Angel said...

Oooo, lovin' that color combo! Awesome job on the sparkly bunny! So ready to see the rest of the release!

jan metcalf said...

He is a very handsome bunny!

Lisa H. said...

super sweet, Amy. love that glittery bunny.

BeverlyBL said...

Cute card and I love the Banana Split and Blu Raspberry combination. And of course, glitter is always a good thing.

Felicia - Scrapper in the Making said...

Love your cards and the colors. So soft and elegant.

JoAnn said...

So pretty. Love the bunny with the gltter.

Queen Mary said...

Amy your glitter looks like micro-beads! Gorgeous! I love it - and I love the bunny too -- I hope you share some of the other ideas rolling around in that noggin' of yours! :)

Bev said...

Super cute card. Love the yellow and bunny.

Amy C. said...

Love the glittery bunny!

Marcia Taylor said...

How darling!!!

Unknown said...

The bunny is perfect!!

Unknown said...

What a great job you did with the glitter! I thought it was glitter paper. I love the color combo, too!

Tammy H said...

Adorable. Love the soft spring colors.

Tracey said...

Loving the Banana Split and Blu Raspberrry combo!! WHat a sweet card!!

Judith said...

Soft yellow and blue glitter -
super match!

Shanna Shands said...

Adorable card. I love the colors!

Deborah said...

I love this card it's clean but elegant the blue bunny is beautiful love it!

Kelli B. said...

Really cute bunny! Love the glitter paper!

Betty Meyskens said...

That bunny is so cute - love the glitter!

Anonymous said...

Great job GF! Love the sparkly bunny!

Nora Noll said...

This is adorable!! I love the colors you used and the way you used bling on the bunny-fabulous!!

Patt H. said...

I LOVE the glittered bunny! Great card!

Davi said...

What a fun card with Mr Bunny all glittered up and the sunny yellow to go with him ;)

Gail D. said...

Very lovely...Just what I needed to get me started making my Easter creations...

Janelle said...

What a happy card! Love your sparkly bunny.

Sarah said...

Absolutely adorable!
God's blessings,
Sarah :)

Unknown said...

I love your second card! The colors are gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy! I love the blue and yellow, it's a great card and what a pretty color of glitter.

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