
For Sale

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Anna Mae!

Isn't she adorable?! She is Anna Mae, a fun new girlie with lots of interchangeable parts available from Our Craft Lounge. Be sure check out Anna Mae and the rest of their sweet new stamps by clicking right here.

I paired her with a piece of Scenic Route Sonoma Collection paper on top of a Regal Rose base. Anna Mae is watercolored with reinkers and an aquapainter and layered on Regal Rose and Old Olive cardstock. Ribbon from TayloredExpressions adds a little polka dot fun and a Heidi Grace stick pink secures the tagged Happy Birthday sentiment.

Thanks for stopping in today!


Julie Campbell said...

She's adorable!!! I love how you colored her too! :)

~amy~ said...

Okay, way beyond stinkin' cute...SWEET!!!

Joy said...

Oh Amy! She is just way too cute!!!!

Kelly Lunceford said...

Yes...she is adorable! YOu did such a great job coloring her! Great ribbon, too! I think I need to sneak to my LSS and pick some up! I only have it in black and brown! It is scrumptious!

Karen Motz said...

she's simply ADORABLE!

Memories of Time said...

CUTE CUTE CUTE! You KNOW I love Anna Mae in pink. :)

Christina Fischer said...

This is so stinkin' cute, Amy! She reminds me of my own Anna! :)

Jackie Pedro said...

She IS adorable!! I love this card, Amy! The DP is beautiful!!

Lori Craig said...

I got this set, too! Reminded me of my sweet little girl! Love your card, Amy!

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