
For Sale

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Seriously... you love this paper, or what?! I'm in hog heaven! It's some new Scenic Route paper--Sonoma Collection, and this particular card uses the Scrap Strip 1, my Top Note die (big surprise), yummy Regal Rose grosgrain and a birthday sentiment from CTMH's Happy Birthday set. The matching envelope is layered with a narrow strip from the same piece of patterned paper and a row of dots using PTI's Faux Ribbon set in Kiwi Kiss ink.

This little ensemble was for SCS's WT195 challenge to use an envelope in your design. I obviously took the easy route with my simply decorated and now matchy-matchy envie. I hope my SIL loves it as much as I do when she receives it in the mail this week!

Thanks for peeking in tonight and be sure to scroll down for one more card featuring Mr. Top Note that I posted earlier this evening!


~amy~ said...

**sweet** I love that dp!!!

Unknown said...

YES! I'm off to find this paper. Beautiful card.

Jackie Pedro said...

Another beauty! Love the DP!!

Laura (scrapnextras) said...

Amy, I am always lurking around your blog, but this card is such a show stopper, I figured I'd come out of hiding to let you know how much it makes me smile! Definitely going to case it!

Julia Aston said...

I love how you have the panels of DP on your die cut - great design and wonderful colors!

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