
For Sale

Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Goodies!

I put together a gift ensemble of treats topped with fun tags using Hero Arts and Cornish Heritage Farms stamps with a color scheme of Chocolate Chip, Kiwi Kiss and Riding Hood Red. The large gift bag tag is a 1/4 sheet of card stock using the same stamping as my SFYTT card from this past weekend. I'm desperately trying to use up my Felt Flurries, and love the look of the snowflake next to the adorable cardinal and moose from Kim Hughes' Christmas Critters set.

Below are a couple of close up shots of the tags and goodies. I was inspired by this post of Debbie Olson/Thinking Inking and made her Snickerdoodle Biscotti for the very first time this weekend (my first attempt at Biscotti ever and it worked!). The other goodies include our family recipe of frosted Christmas cut-out cookies and Marshmallow Fudge with lots of walnuts (DH thinks I should've used more walnuts, but I think he just says that so he can keep sampling it to be sure!).

Thanks for stopping over today!

Stamps: CHF Christmas Critters; Hero Arts clear alphabet
Ink: Chocolate Chip, Riding Hood Red, Kiwi Kiss
Paper: Kraft, KK, RHR, CC, Vanilla, Frosty Day DSP, Scenic Route Sonoma
Accessories: wide red striped grosgrain, Scallop Edge punch, Curly Label punch, Vintage mini brads, jumbo eyelet, Top Note die, Horizontal Slot punch, Felt Flurries, Rope Twine, Season of Cheer Rub-ons, piercing tool/template


Lori Craig said...

This is so darling - the whole ensemble just rocks!! Love your style, Amy. :)

Jackie Pedro said...

You're making me kick myself for not ordering that gorgeous ribbon....Awesome set, Amy!!!

Valerie said...

YUM! On the treats and those delish tags/ensemble!

Kelly Lunceford said...

This whole ensemble is beyond adorable! You really did a fab job! All of the elements are fantastic!

Julia Aston said...

I love your cute tags and the fun stamps you used on them! Your designs are always so fun Amy!

Anonymous said...

These are ALL ADORABLE, Amy!! I love them all!

Christina Fischer said...

Omgosh, Amy -- every bit of this is so darn cute! I just love what you did on the tags! :)

Megan said...

These are looking deslish!!! I love the design and the font stamps---so GREAt

Jennifer Roach said...

These are FANTASTIC!!

Anonymous said...

Oh MY goodness! These are just too adorable! I just found your blog through Lori's and I have looked at everything, while continuing to wipe the drool from the corner of my mouth! I love your projects so much! I'll be back!

Julie Campbell said...

Oh man! I wish I was your neighbor! :) These projects are just straight perfection!!! How FUN!

Unknown said...

Very very cute! I love this!

Susan (susiestampalot) said...

ok, i'm drooling over here!! you rock the kim hughes stuff. seriously! and if you need to get rid of more of those snowflakes, you know where to find me!! ;)

Amy Sheffer said...

This is one absolutely ROCKIN' ensemble, girl! How does one go about getting on your list? ;)

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