
For Sale

Saturday, December 27, 2008

What day is it...'s Saturday of course, and that means another great sketch from Jen/i{heart}! I've had to really stop and think about what day it really is/was this past week with all of the Christmas hustle and bustle! It's not over for us yet though--my eldest brother is coming this weekend as the inclement weather kept him from visiting last weekend, and we had to reschedule another of our Christmas parties for tomorrow due to a handful of sickies in the family...namely my oldest and youngest! Both are on antibiotics as I type and are on the mend. Enough about that though, let's get to the sketch card.

While we're still not finished whooping it up for Christmas, I have to admit that I'm pretty much ready to move on to a different stamping holiday, so I chose Valentine's Day. I've had SU!'s A Happy Heart for a few weeks now, and felt it was time to ink it up. Although I'm not a huge red-black fan, I do like the combo used in an old fashioned sorta way, so that was the look and feel I was aiming for, and I have to admit that I'm pleased with the results!

I struggled a bit with the sketch, trying to fit a stamped image between the top and bottom horizontal strips. I finally gave up and used a piece of delicious Scenic Route designer paper, letting it stand all on its own, stamping a simple sentiment just below the lower strip, or in this case ribbon & ric rac combo. The large heart is embossed for extra pizazz and topped with a button tied with linen thread. I placed the button just so to draw attention to the sentiment. The upper strip is comprised of folk hearts punched from black card stock with a few of them popped up on foam boosters.

I'm anxious to check out the rest of the girls' creations, curious to see if they've moved on from Christmas as well. Be sure to check them out too, and if you can play along today or tomorrow or whenever, be sure to use the keyword: SFYTT and/or leave a link to your blog on Jen's blog.

Jen/Lynn (December guest designer)

Card deets
Stamps: SU! A Happy Heart
Paper: Very Vanilla, Riding Hood Red, Basic Black; Scenic Route Sonoma Collection
Ink: Versafine Onyx Black, SU! Black craft
Accessories: Making Memories scalloped organdy ribbon, Offray ric rac, SU! folk heart punch (retired), button, Linen Thread (SU!), foam boosters, black ep


Julie Campbell said...

This is GORGEOUS!!! (submit!, submit!) ;)

I hope you had a great Christmas! your post from yesterday! :)

~Lori Roop said...

This is fabulous!! Excepional design!! ~Lori

Jackie Pedro said...

This is BEE-U-TEE-FUL!!!! The red and black looks stunning here!!

Jessie/knightrone said...

This is stunning!! Hope your family feels better soon!!

~amy~ said...'ve done a wonderful job with the sketch and the color combo!

DoxieGirl said...

wowzers! I love the black and red together!

Erika H. said...

This is so gorgeous! I {heart} it!

Lisa Kind said...

Love the red and black! It's such a rich combo! Great job on the sketch!

Amy Sheffer said...

You are amazing, Amy!! what a gorgeous, gorgeous card!

Christina Fischer said...

This is gorgeous!!! For someone who doesn't like black and red, you nailed this combo!! Love the row of hearts!

I hope everyone is feeling better and that the craziness ends soon! Enjoy the rest of your holiday! :)

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