
For Sale

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Deer Sweet Friend

I have two projects to show you today, both of which use adorable Kim Hughes' sets, Christmas Critters and The Birds and The Bees, along with some awesome (awesome!) new paper I ordered from Paper Addiction last week. The paper is October Afternoon Hometown: County Library and it reminds me a bit of Basic Grey's Urban Prairie collection which I {heart} very much! To the left you can see a closer shot of the embossed bee flying toward that anonymous black flower. I usually have a hard time doing anything "free hand", but I gave it a whirl with my bee trail and am quite pleased with her path!

The journal uses many things I really love: this paper, my Top Note die, chipboard letters (I know I don't use them very often, but I love them!), that cute bee, a few stitches and a button! I'm also becoming very fond of flowers and have been incorporating them into my work more and more lately. I'm not quite sure what this album will house...maybe some {sweet} pictures of my family?

I decided to put a card together with some of the scraps of the County Library paper along with my latest CHF set, Christmas Critters. I love that this sentiment and sweet deer stamp can be used for non-holiday cards as well! My deer was colored with reinkers and a combo of blender pen and Aquapainter with a few extras including a layer of acetate behind the main image, buttons and some felt ric rac I've had sitting in a drawer for too long!

I hope you enjoyed these projects as much as I did making them, and thanks for stopping over today!

Stamps: CHF The Birds & The Bees, Christmas Critters

Paper: October Afternoon Hometown: County Library, Basic Black, Naturals Ivory, DCWV textured cardstock (Top Note die layer)

Ink: Colorbox Pigment Ink in Citrine, Black Craft, Versafine Onyx Black; reinkers: Creamy Caramel, Close To Cocoa, Pink Pirouette

Accessories: Top Note Bigz die, Basic Grey buttons (Urban Prairie collection), Making Memories ribbon & album, SU! chipboard letters, Offray ric rac


Jackie Pedro said...

These are both so cute, Amy! That paper is beautiful and I've never heard of Paper Addiction, but I'm going to check it out now!! Have a great day...

Christina Fischer said...

Amy, these are SO cute!!! I love that paper -- gotta go check it out!

Anonymous said...

Amy, these are both totally adorable! I always love your CHF designs! (I actually love ALL of your designs!)

Kelly Lunceford said...

These are so sweet! You are rockin' the CHF stamps! You can make anything look amazing! I love your stuff! Hugs, Kelly

Unknown said...

OH MY GOODNESS! SQUEAL I love both of these. You're amazing!

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