
For Sale

Thursday, December 4, 2008

{Thanks & Idgie!

Just a quick card and post today. I made this one a few weeks ago while I was in my Top Note craze and forgot to share it with you. I think it's a good example of a card that is quick, simple and uses up some of your patterned paper know all that paper you "just couldn't live without"?!

I keep forgetting to share pictures of the newest addition to our family: Miss Idgie! She's a Miniature Dachshund, full of energy and keeping us on our toes! (Excuse the green eyes, I couldn't for the life of me..ahem maybe a lack of patience... get the red eye tool to work for me, ugh!)

Miss Idgie

Amy, Idgie & George


Broni said...

Amy, I love this simple but brilliant card! I may NEED to CASE this one!! AND I LOVE Idgie!!! I used to have a miniature Dachshund (black & tan also) named Pretzel!

Jackie Pedro said...

You know I love your Top Note die cards and this one is beautiful!!

I can't wait for my girls to get home so I can show them Idgie!! We are looking for a new dog (we lost ours three years ago) and we are just now ready for a new one and the girls are pushing for a Dachshund!!! They will love Idgie!!

Stef H said...

Oh is he ever cute! Your son that is. The puppy is cute too.

Stef H
SCS: Glitterbabe

Laura (scrapnextras) said...

Love this all your top note cards! Idgie is adorable. Enjoy her!

Julie said...

OMG - the card is adorable and so is little George and Idgie!!! I have a little mini doxie at home too, looks just like Idgie and her name is Winnie. They are so fun...

Anonymous said...

Super cute card, Amy, but SUPER CUTE, TOTALLY ADORABLE PUPPY !!! Awwwww.....

Anonymous said...

Amy, how sweet, I have a dachshund as well. I got him for my birthday last year. Baxter thinks he's human . . . LOL! You're going to fall in love with her, she'll be so loyal, you're going to think she's one of the kids! {{{hugs}}}

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