
For Sale

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Tree-mendous Sketch For You To Try!

Wowza, can't believe it's already Saturday (again), and you know what that means--Jen's SFYTT! For today's card I used an adorable new set from Our Craft Lounge called Tree-mendous Love (what a cute and clever name, huh?!). I watercolored the tree and birdhouse with a small brush and a blender pen, punched a trio of hearts from the designer paper from TAC called Life Delights and tied them up with linen thread and a clear pink button. I didn't want my corner embellishment to overpower the sweet delightfulness of the tree and soft colors of the designer paper, so I kept it a bit smaller than the sketch shows.

Be sure to click on over to the rest of the team and have a wonderful weekend! We have Christmas gatherings on both sides of our family tonight and tomorrow (at our house), so I'd better get a move-on!



Lynn Put said...

This is such a sweet card! The colors and watercolored tree look fantastic!

Jackie Pedro said...

Darling, Amy! Love the soft colors...

Amy Sheffer said...

How darling! And so sweetly colored!

Memories of Time said...

This is SO super SWEET! Love it! :)

Lori Craig said...

Yes, so super sweet! Love the softness of this, Amy! The coordinating, so sweet!

Anonymous said...

You always blow me away!!!!! Send me some of your style mojo!!

Anonymous said...

Awww...this is so sweet! I love the little heart-shaped leaves!

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