
For Sale

Friday, December 12, 2008

Leftovers are good!

I finished up my SFYTT card for tomorrow and decided to use up some of the scraps to make this quick holiday thank you card for a wonderful volunteer at our school who brought in the most delicious tray of treats for us this week. The sentiment is a SU! rub on, paper is Kiwi Kiss, Naturals Ivory and more of that delicious Scenic Route Sonoma collection. Ribbon is from Taylored Expressions tied with a button and hemp. That's it--so simple, but I love it!

Have a wonderful Friday and be sure to pop in tomorrow for Jen's Saturday Sketch For You To Try--more of these wonderful papers and colors, featuring one of Kim Hughes' fun holiday sets. That's all I'm saying!


Jackie Pedro said...

This is BEAUTIFUL, Amy!! I will be back tomorrow...cause you know I love the Kim Hughes sets!! (I would be back regardless...!!)

Julie Campbell said...

Hmm... I got the same e-mail from Zhenya & Nika. ???

Just wanted to say how much I LOVED this card! It's pure perfection! Yummy stuff!

Anonymous said...

What a great color combo! Great mix of patterns too, Amy!

Karen Motz said...

This is so pretty. I love the simplicity and the patterns on the ribbon and paper make it interesting.

Valerie said...

perfection. :)

~amy~ said...

Magnificent...the colors are fabulous!

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