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Thursday, November 20, 2008

{love note} sketch

This is a challenge combination of SCS's Tuesday Color Challenge (193) and Wednesday Sketch Challenge (203). The colors this week are Kraft, Real Red and Basic Black, and a link to the sketch challenge can be found right here.

I'd read Taylor Van Bruggen's blog yesterday about using good old Crayola colored pencils to color an image and decided to do the same. I colored my image with Stampin' Up's watercolor pencils and then blended with a blender pen. I can definitely use a lesson or 10 in coloring, and I almost didn't upload because of my inept coloring/shading {skillz} but decided that it's ok to show my weaknesses to the stamping world. Please go easy on me!

If you haven't participated in some sort of stamping challenge this week, get out there--find one that you like--go for it!


Libby Hickson said...

This is just adorable!

Dizzie Noodle said...

That is really cute. What a great little love letter. :)

maddy hill said...

i love the look of the old crayons - your card looks fab !

Buy FUT 14 Coins said...

That's truly adorable. Such a excellent small adore notice.

LOL elo boost

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