
For Sale

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Good Luck!

First off, I have to apologize for the fuzziness of my photographs...hmm, thinking little George has been checking out the camera lens as well as all of the pictures of himself on the memory card! It's always a challenge to get a good photo in un-natural light as well, so that's probably part of it. I think I'll put a light tent (is that the proper name?) on my Christmas list. Ok, enough about that; onto the card!

As you know from the previous post, I finally got my Top Note Bigz die in the mail this week, and haven't been able to put it down...I really {heart} it! This card is for my dear daughter, Kendra. She's in our local highschool musical which opens tonight, so of course I had to stamp sumthin' up, right?! Actually, now that I think about it, I didn't stamp a darn thing on this card--it's all die cut, rub-on and embellies. I'll list all the deets below, because if you're like me, it's much easier to pick things out of a list versus narrative form.

Here goes...
Paper: Basic Black, Certainly Celery (SU!); A Little Whimsy (TAC)
Accessories: Top Note Bigz Die & Large Oval Punch(SU!), gingham ribbon, rhinestones, rub-on (Creative Imaginations)

If I don't see you sooner, be sure to stop over Saturday for Jen's Saturday Sketch...later, gator!


~amy~ said...

LOVELY card! Great colors and rub-on!!

Carolyn Mustopa said...

What a great card! I love how you cut the shape out of patterned paper. Ugh. I really need to get that die...

Jackie Pedro said...

What a cool card!! I just love the DP!!

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