
For Sale

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Holiday {thank you} Gift Card Holders

I've got a pair of gift card holders for you today using my go-to gift card giving supplies from Reverse Confetti - Holly & Gift Card Holder Tag Confetti Cuts. My fun and functional cards also qualify for this week's Color Throwdown #373 and Freshly Made Sketches #217.

I made two of these to give to our school maintenance guys (or as we called them back in my day - janitors) with gift cards to their favorite 'spot' (wink). I thought the So Stripey diagonal stripe in black on gray cardstock gave these a little masculine touch. 

Here's a closer look at mr. green. I sure hope you're not tiring of the Holly Confetti neither!

And mr. red ain't bad, either. I just love that I can whip up a few of these in about 15 minutes and adds a handmade touch to gift card giving. 

Thanks for stopping by today. I hope you're finding some help and inspiration for your gift giving/wrapping needs!


Linda Callahan said...

These tags are so cute! And the holly die cut is terrific - definitely a holiday must have!

Celeste Goff said...

Love these holiday gift card holders! That little touch of bling you added with the glitter paper is perfect!

Jen Mitchell said...

Perfect holiday tags! I love the look of the white holly leaves with the glittery berry! Thanks for playing along with us at Freshly Made Sketches!

Narelle Farrugia said...

I love these! You have created such fabulous tags - thanks for joining us at FMS!

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