
For Sale

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

SPD Sweet Peek - Whisky Business

Meet Whisky Business + Whisky Business SugarCuts - today's Sweet Peek featured products! Is she adorable or what? Almost as adorable as her kitchen appliances and accessories, right? Ü

My sister-in-law LOVES to bake and her birthday is coming up in December, so I created this in holiday colors just for her. Now, I have to admit that I'm not a Copic aficionado, but I recently heard advice to not fret over the perfect Copic coloring but rather just have fun with it, so that's exactly what I did! Speaking of fun, how about the SugarCuts Whisky Business dies, huh? They make it easy peasy to create a one of a kind kitschy scene - like playing with paper dolls!

Thanks so much for stopping by today! Remember our entire Holiday Product Release will be available for purchase in the SugarPea Designs Store on Friday, November 6th at 6:00 PM EST! We would love to hear your thoughts on the products introduced today! Please leave a comment on this post and on each of the talented SugarPea Designers shown below and you could WIN! We will chose one lucky person to WIN the Whisky Business stamp set from the comments left here and on the DT Blogs! All winners during our Holiday Product Release will be announced on Sunday, November 9th. Links to each of the DT Blogs is listed below, so just keep scrolling!


Comment to win!


Celeste Goff said...

This is just so stinking cute!

~amy~ said...

soooooo cute!

Dee said...

All ready to bake for Christmas! Terrific set!

Dot Freel said...

Perfect colors. Love the details.

I Card Everyone said...

whisky business ... I'm sure there is an adorable card here, but I honestly can't get beyond that pan-tastic pun!

Renae said...

Very cute card! I love the layout!!!!!!

Iva said...

cute card!

Anonymous said...

Such a cute card!! Love it:)

Von Marie said...

Adorable!! I love how you turned this card into a Christmas one. I may need this stamp set.

Mary Holshouser said...

Love the idea of the shelf in the back.
Great coloring.
thanks for sharing a cute card.

JoAnn said...

Adorable card and great colors.

Sharla said...

Very cute, love the traditional Christmas colors and design!

Unknown said...

So vibrant in red and green.
Love this idea!

Unknown said...

Stinkin cute- Love it.

Mary-Anne V said...

Very cute the combo of colours.

Katia said...

I love this amazing card, beautiful color!

Unknown said...

very cute, I like the shelf idea!

Lindarub said...

Cute card love the red.

Brandi R said...

So cute! Love the adorable scene ♥

Jeanette (Forest Ranger) said...

So very very sweet!

Heather said...

Cute!! I LOVE the little scene you created. Love the mixer; it's adorable.

Paulette S said...

She is going to love it! I do too! So cute. Thanks, Paulette S.
craftqueen417 at yahoo
http://paulettesprettypapercrafts dot wordpress dot com
Since google can't remove my blogger profile with closed email for a blog that no longer exists!

Majtolina said...

Love love the cards and she is going to love it, I know I would :)

LauraJane:) said...

Such a HAPPY kitchen scene!

Julie Ann said...

Sweet card and the image is the cutest.

Sue D said...

So sweet. I like your coloring and the circle design.

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