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Sunday, November 8, 2015

Reverse Confetti New Release Blog Hop

Welcome to the Reverse Confetti New Release Blog Hop! Have you placed your order yet, or are you still on the fence and trying to finalize your decisions? Either way, I've got a few more goodies to share with you featuring the latest and greatest from this release! As the title implies, this is a blog hop, so you might have hopped here from Jean's blog and I bet you enjoyed every minute of it! If you'd like to start at the stop of the hop, click HERE to go to the Reverse Confetti Blog. 

Can you tell I had a little fun creating a flurry of Christmas tags?!

How about a closer look at each of the tags along with the products used. Click on the product graphics below for direct links to the Reverse Confetti store. 

alphabetical | gift card holder tag | so stripey | hang ups
bubbly tag topper | gift card holder tag | with love

bubbly tag topper | branch out | topped off tag

topped off tag | with love | so stripey | bubbly tag topper | wreaths

gift card holder tag | winter words | branch out | tag me | with love | bubbly tag topper

I hope you've enjoyed your stay here and have gleaned a little inspiration along the way. It's time to hop along to Amy Tsuruta's blog next, and I'm sure she's got something fabulous to share with you! 

Before I go, remember to click on the graphics below to be taken directly to that product in the Reverse Confetti store, and come on back next week for Crazy For Christmas on November 10th!


Lisa H. said...

yep, awesomeness! I knew you would bring it! the color combo on these are amazing and I love the deer tag....soooo creative!

Anonymous said...

OK, Amy, I had to go buy the Gift Card Holder Tag because of your blog posts the past few days! Thank you for the inspiration!

~amy~ said...

Oh my...LOVE these and how clever are you with the deer?! awesome.

Tara Godfrey said...

Oh my word! Amy, these tags are SO creative and SO darn CUTE!!!! I LOVE them all but the creativity behind the sweet iconic reindeer is just mind-blowing!!!! Absolutely adore this set of tags....LOVE the color combo and the rustic feel of the wood veneer.
Hugs, t

Henriƫtte said...

Very creative tags. I do love the one with the deer. Thanks for the inspiration.

Celeste Goff said...

What fabulous tags! Love the clever!

Pam Sparks said...

WOW Amy! I love these! Your designs are fabulous! They look like something from Crate and Barrel, although I haven't looked for wrap yet! :D

Mary Holshouser said...

Love the reindeer.
The wreath that is off-center is great.
thanks for sharing so many wonderful tags.

Patty said...

Awesome tags...especially your deer cute!!

Pam Young said...

The deer is genius!! I love your stuff!! Can't wait for goodies to arrive!!!

BeverlyBL said...

Like everyone else, I agree the reindeer is super cute/clever. Many cute tags. Thanks so much.

Yvonne said...

SO creative with the Reindeer! And i love the wreaths on the edge of the tag... and the white on white banners!!! very creative tags!!! Totally pinning for inspiration later, for when i finally get off the fence and buy these dies! lol

Leigh Penner said...

I love these!

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