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Friday, October 9, 2015

Sweet 2 Repeat Blog Hop - Happy Fall!

Hello, Crafty Friends! It’s time again for our monthly, Sweet 2 Repeat Blog Hop! Now that so many of you have our Fall Product Release in your hot little hands, our Pod Squad of designers have geared up to inspire you with even MORE creative possibilities featuring all of the newest and hottest products from SugarPea Designs
I've used the Stitched Autumn Icons pumpkin to create an opening for a fun, interactive shaker card. The background of the shaker as well as the peeking fishtail flags were color washed with two shades of orange dye ink onto watercolor paper. I just love the stitching detail on both the flags and the pumpkin. Speaking of fun texture, how about the Woodgrain and Scattered Stars Journal Cards to add a little extra zing to your layers? Finally, is the stamped sentiment strip using stamps from Build A Background - Basics and Nuts About You.


Would you like to WIN a $20 gift certificate to spend on some SugarPea Designs of your own? Please visit with each of our design team members listed below and leave a comment for your chance to win! 


~amy~ said...

Amy! I love your shaker card!!!!

Celeste Goff said...

What a gorgeous shaker card!!!

New Creations said...

Pumpkin+ shaker= Great fall creation with all wonderful textures! Love it!

M DelValle said...

Very unique and awesome design. Maria

Jeannean said...

Cool card, great shaker idea!

Michele K. Henderson said...

It's a pumpkin! And a shaker! Love them BOTH!
Take Care!

Deb Selby said...

Very cute shaker card

D.Ann C said...

Always love a cute shaker and the layers you used are great!

McStamper said...

Great pumpkin shaker.

Julee (Vervegirl) said...

Pure fabulousness, Amy! Gorgeous card!

Von Marie said...

Pretty card, love the stitched pumpkin and wood grain panel.

Natalie said...

Great looking card. I like the wood grain background.

Larissa Heskett said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this Sweet Card!! Shakers are my FAVORITE!! =) THANKS for sharing and have a FABULOUS WEEK!! =)

Sue D said...

Very cute pumpkin shaker!

Bobbie Bluegill said...

Your shaker card is adorable.

Mary-Anne V said...

Love how you arranged all the elements on your great card.

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