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Friday, October 30, 2015

SugarPea Designs Trick-or-Treat Blog Hop

Click HERE for my Verve October Release Blog Hop 

We have a lot of fun in store for you today as our spooktacular team of designers have all concocted up some frightfully sweet tricks and treats. As you "Trick or Treat" by stopping by each of our designers blogs, you'll not only be treated to some amazing paper crafting eye candy, but you will also receive some faBOOlous TRICKS and TREATS along the way. 

Wendy has started things off by giving you your first treat by offering everyone 15% off your entire order this weekend by using code: BOO2U  Expires: Midnight EST - November 1, 2015
 Happy Halloween!  Thanks for stopping by my blog today.  I'm giving out a TRICK that's sort of a treat! I have a quick picture tutorial on partial die-cutting that makes it easy to stretch your dies. (Please ignore my well-loved Big Shot sandwich plates!)

Step 1: stamp and color images for bookmark and line up Brainy Bookmarks die on bottom die cut sandwich plate.

Step 2: Add top die cut sandwich plate only over the portion you want to cut (I don't want to cut the top scallop edge just yet, so I'm leaving that un-sandwich'ed).

Step 3: Decide on desired length of bookmark. I didn't want mine to be quite as tall as the original bookmark height.

Step 4: Reposition the bookmark die to desired length, being sure to line up (nestle in) the edges of the die to previously cut edges and then secure in position with repositionable tape (3M Post It tape works great).

Step 5: Repeat Step 2, but this time you'll be cutting the top edge of the book mark instead of the bottom.

Step 6: Remove your re-sized bookmark and finish as you like.

I actually added a reverse side to mine, doing a little stamp surgery with stamps from Read Between the Lines to create a fun Halloween sentiment. To add  sturdiness to it, I also laminated the whole bookmark. HOWEVER, next time I would laminate it all BEFORE die cutting it for a more seamless look. 

I have one last trick for you today demonstrating how I omitted the 'k' in the book worm stamp to create my fun Halloween 'boo worm' bookmark.

Step 1: Using MISTI, stamp book and flower pot images in black ink.

Step 2: Use a black marker to fill in the 'k'.

Step 3: Reink and stamp the book and flower pot images again. I actually stamped them two more times. The MISTI keeps everything in position for easy repeated stamping.

Presto, magic, the 'k' has disappeared!

Are you ready to do more Trick or Treating! Don’t forget to leave a comment at each designers blog for your chance to win one or our 4 TREATS. Winners will be announced in a special blog post, Monday, Nov 2nd.  

We'll also be kicking off Sweet Peek Week on Monday, November 2nd for our Holiday Release, so be sure to stop back then!


Kerin said...

Wow love your 'boo' worm! Very clever omitting the k!!

Celeste Goff said...

So stinking cute! I love how cute and clever your repurposing of an everyday stamp set is!

Dee said...

Clever card that I love- useful, colorful, and smart!

~amy~ said...

So fun & clever!

Lesley said...

What a super cute idea!

Mary Holshouser said...

Great idea for coloring the K so it doesn't show.
Neat trick.
Love the bookmarks.
thanks for sharing
Happy Halloween

Sharla said...

Oh, I just LOVE him!! I love books and this little guy is adorable. Love the bookmark, I NEED one!! ;)

Michele K. Henderson said...

Really cute idea for a bookmark! Love the Halloween colors!
Take care!

Tonya said...

What a cute idea! Love it! Thanks for sharing!

Heidi Brawley said...

cute bookmark!!! Love the stamp surgery you performed on it too!!

Renae said...

Great trick! Thanks for the idea. Great book mark!

JoAnn said...

What a cute bookmark. Love it.

Unknown said...

Great card. I'm going to have to try that "disappearing letter" trick. Fantastic!

Heather said...

Cute!!! Love how you changed up the sentiment. Every time I see the MISTI in use, it makes me wish I had one. I'll just have to dream for now. : )

Maureen Hayes said...

Where to start, I loved all the tips you provided, from the help with the die cutting to how stretch you stamps by changing up that sentiment to make it BOO instead of book! The end result is so stinking cute, I would happily use it myself. Thank you for giving such great info that I can use in my everyday crafting. I love to learn new techniques and tricks and this hop is chock full,

Kris B said...

Love how you turned book into boo! thank for the tutorial on how you did it! Such a fun image and bookmark!

Ruth G said...

These are so much fun! I love the sentiments on these fabulous boo marks! Thanks so much for showing how to adapt the die cut to be smaller than the die, too!

Birgit said...

This is so cute and clever!! What a great idea!

Katia said...

I love yout tag, so fun and beautiful!!!

Lynne in NI said...

What a fab bookmark, thanks for the die cutting tip :)

KT Fit Kitty said...

So cute and fun! Love the boo worm!

Claire Broadwater said...

This is just fabulous! I love the book mark! Thanks for the helpful tips, too! XX

Mary-Anne V said...

Adorable the orientation of the die.

arlsmom aka Lynda said...

sooo cute!

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