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Friday, October 16, 2015

SPD SugarSketch 31 - Merry Christmoose!

Happy Friday! I'm kicking off the weekend right with a fun sketch challenge from SugarPea Designs, and I'm hoping you'll be so inspired to follow suit and play along. You know you can win a little sugar cash, don't you? I'll tell you how at the end of the post, but for now let's take a look at my version of the sketch.
Is he cute or what?! I've been itching to get inky with the cutest moose ever from Merry Christmoose and this month's sketch gave him plenty of room to roam. 

I colored cutie moose with Zig Clean Color Brush Markers, fussy cut him out by hand (haven't done that in awhile) and planted him on top of a layer of sticks that I grabbed from a vase I have in the house. I'm sure you're wondering how I adhered them to the card base, right? Ah yes, very tricky! I used a combo of hot glue and Ranger Multi Medium: Matte. The sentiment is also from Merry Christmoose, and the patterned fishtail flag is compliments of Build A Background: Basics. 
And here's the original sketch for you to follow. As you can see, I simplified mine a little (mostly because I was going by the sketch I remembered in my head and not a printed out copy of it, oops).
And here are all the details:
  • Create a new card or project using the SugarSketch provided. SugarPea Designs stamps are NOT required to play along or to win but would be appreciated :)
  • You may rotate/flip the sketch & replace shapes – so long as the original sketch layout is recognizable.
  • Upload to your blog or other Online Gallery using Keyword: SPDSS31 so that we may check out your beautiful work.
  • Add your name and link to your project in the InLinkz at the SPD blog.
  • One randomly selected winner will receive a $10 Gift Certificate to the SugarPea Designs Online Shoppe. However, if the winning entry features a SugarPea Designs stamp we will increase the prize to $15
 Thanks for stopping by today. Have a great weekend!



Celeste Goff said...

This card is beyond adorable Amy! I love your coloring on him!

Leigh Penner said...

So cute! I love how you added the twigs!

Michele Boyer said...

Adorable! Love the twigs! And I love your loose watercoloring!

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