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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Reverse Confetti Fall-idays: Halloween

I'm so excited for Reverse Confetti's online event Fall-days! Today the Confetti Crew along with Jen will be sharing tons of fun Halloween ideas for treats, decorating and general crafting, so buckle up and let's take a ride on your Halloween broom!

My first project is a clean and simple treat tote featuring Sweet Treat Tent Confetti Cuts, Too Cute To Spook, So Stripey and that awesome-sauce Tassel Confetti Cuts I just added to my arsenal.

 I started by stamping two of the Sweet Treat Tent with the single, wide stripe from So Stripey in orange ink and then stamped one of the panels with a web, cutie spider and sentiment from Too Cute To Spook.

My first date with the Tassel Confetti Cuts and I'm It cuts through multiple layers (I'm guessing at least 12 here) like buttah, baby and fluffs out like a proud peacock!

My second Fall-idays project is actually a trio of treat containers topped with tags created with a few Confetti Cuts.

First is one of the new Frosted Pillow Boxes now available at Reverse Confetti. These boxes are food safe, BPA free and recyclable! I've tied the box with Charcoal Solid Twine and topped it with a minimalist Frankenstein tag. My Frankie tag was created using the Wonky Double Edge Scallop Border to create his hairline layered on the largest Tag Me Confetti Cuts

My next two containers use the smaller tag from Tag Me Confetti Cuts and sentiments from Spooky Sentiments. For this tag, I stamped white cardstock with So Stripey in neon green ink and then die cut the tag elements. Then I stamped the sentiment from in Versafine Onyx Black ink. I attached the tag to a sour cream container that I made using a lightweight piece of black paper measuring 4x6 inches. I love that you can customize the size of these sour cream containers and put just about anything inside. It's all about the packaging and not so much about the treat inside!

My last tag attached to a super easy to fold paper snack bag for which you can see a tutorial HERE. Another super simple tag featuring the smaller die from Tag Me stamped with a sentiment from Spooky Sentiments. I customized my solid twine by coloring a length of Natural Solid Twine with a Copic marker.

And there you have my Fall-idays Halloween ideas to jump start your upcoming Halloween crafting in the treat department! Please stop at the Reverse Confetti Blog where you'll find Jen's awesome projects and links to the rest of the Confetti Crew playing along. Thanks for stopping!


pam br said...

How do you use the double edge wonky border without cutting both sides? Thx.

pam br said...

How do you use the double edge wonky border without cutting both sides? Thx.

jan metcalf said...

Your tags are so cute!!

~amy~ said...

Love everything, such fun projects Amy!

Lisa H. said...

ack!!! these are fantastic! love them all, although I am partial to that frank...he's too cute!

Kay Miller said...

Oh gosh these are all so cute Amy! Trying to decide which one is my favorite! Love the black tassel, almost looks like a big black spider mama to that little guy! heheh! The goggly eyed tag is totally adorable!!

Tracey McNeely said...

Amy great projects. Love them all but the green Frankenstein is adorable.

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