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Thursday, October 8, 2015

RC Blog Hop: Let It Snow(flake) Shaker

The Reverse Confetti October release is NOW AVAILABLE, so let's get ready to shop! Before you run off to fill up your cart, let's take a minute to talk about this awesome Confetti Cuts Snowflake designed by Confetti Crew member Kay Miller - be still my snowflake lovin' heart!

I stacked three of the snowflake base die cuts for sturdiness and then layered shaker center on top. Two of my favorites combined - shakers and snowflakes! The snowflake ornament can be removed from the card to be used as an ornament.

The shaker component is made of a double layer of the center snowflake layer + one more for the shaker cover. The shaker cover layer has a circle die cut from the center to create the opening. The circle die is part of the Confetti Cuts Snowflake. Mini wooden stars and clear micro-beads fill the inside of the shaker.

I tied in the woodgrain of the stars with a die cut snow using Confetti Cuts Winter Words and sentiment in light gray ink from Winter Word Coordinates.

I can't wait to see what the rest of the Confetti Crew has to share for us, so let's get hopping along. I'm going to send you to Amy Tsuruta's blog next for some eye candy extraordinaire, and if you want to start from the top, head over to the Reverse Confetti Blog.

Thanks for stopping by!


~amy~ said...

gorgeous! Love your shaker Amy!

Carol (HB) said...

WOW! You come up with the craziest, most creative ideas Amy! I LOVE this!

Celeste Goff said...

Wow Amy, this card is gorgeous! I love how clean and simple it is but how layered the snowflake is. And the shaker element is too clever!

Kathy said...

Lovely that it's an ornament gift, too!

Tammy Hershberger said...

OMGosh!!! NOW I am SO MAD that I didn't order the snowflake, too! Amy, this is DARRRRRLING!!! What a fantastic idea!

Jill Norwood said...

I love this sweet shaker!!!

Alyssa S said...

This is so lovely! Love the shaker and the warming tone to it with the wood. Your sentiment is gorgeous but I did read it in a Yoda voice lol!

Yvonne said...

Awww love the little shaker!!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

Pam Sparks said...

Fabulous take on Kay's snowflake Amy! LOVE it!

Leigh Penner said...

Oh, I love how you made a shaker with the dies! Fabulous card, Amy!

Diane Jaquay said...

Wow, so pretty!! said...

Stunning!! Keeping it one color really shows off the versatility of this! Making it a shaker card steps it up into another level even more!! Great card!

Susie Bentz: My Time to Play said...

I adore this card - so elegant!

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