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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

RC Shine + Sweet Sunday Sketch

I had to take advantage of a great sketch from the crew at the Sweet Sunday Sketch Challenge Blog and recreated my Monday card using an awesome stamp in the God is Good stamp set from Reverse Confetti as my focal point. To create the watercolor background, I used three shades of yellow dye ink and a big, fat watercolor brush, layering swipes of color until I got enough depth to really allow that beautiful sentiment to 'shine' through.

Same as Monday's card, I made a full layer shaker card using clear micro beads, rain stones and seed beads as fill. The turquoise enamel dots are set in place, falling from the die cut cloud that is actually attached to the outside of the acetate. 

I'll be back again on Saturday with the sneak peeks of the next Reverse Confetti release, so be sure to come back then. I promise, you won't be disappointed - it's a fa-boo-lous release!



Celeste Goff said...

What a beautiful card Amy!

Unknown said...

This card is divine! Love the way you gave your card more dimension with a clear pocket over it.

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