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Saturday, September 5, 2015

Countdown to Confetti - Day 1

I am so excited to be joining in on my first official Countdown to Confetti with Reverse Confetti! You are going to melt when you see the cuteness overload on today's featured stamp set, Too Cute to Spook, aack! A few details - we have 3 days of sneak peeks for you (September 5-7) so be sure to set your alarm and come back to see me and the Confetti Crew each day.

Too cute to spook, right? 

There's also a coordinating Too Cute to Spook Confetti Cuts to take care of any fussing cutting, and it also makes scene building a breeze! My scene just happens to be based on the current Freshly Made Sketches with a watercolor backdrop. I used watercoloring on all of the Too Cute to Spook images as well. 

I'm not a big fan of spiders in general, but I'd take this little guy home in a heart beat! Sorry for all the gushing, but I love. him. (or her) 
New products will be available on September 8th. Don't miss out on a chance to win a RC Gift Certificate - details can be found at the Reverse Confetti Blog along with more inspiration!



Lisa H. said...

yay! this is awesome. love the watercoloring. and that spider, yeah, I love him too.

New Creations said...

Love the watercolor splash on adorable kitty and and cute little spider hang on!

Vankleeck6 said...

That watercolor night sky! Love!

Kristie Goulet said...

Love your watercoloring, Amy! Awesome!

Lexa Levana said...

Yeay for your watercolor style! I love watercolor tecnique as well. Your card is wicked cute.

StampingbugKerry said...

I LOVE this sooooo much! The sketchedy- coloring with the watercolor background make me smile! Perfection!

Betty Sue said...

Love your watercoloring!!!

jan metcalf said...

The water color looks great with the spooky critters!

Brandi R said...

Wonderful card! Love the colors you used for the sky. Super cute scene ♥

Michele K. Henderson said...

Adorable card! Love your watercolor background!
Take care!

KariL said...

Amy you are so artistic in how you watercolour. Love your Too Cute to Spook card, it is so much fun!

Diane Jaquay said...

LOVE the watercolor, gives a whole different feel to the stamp set!!

Ericka Strange said...

Love the watercolor!

Unknown said...

Love the watercoloring on this card!!

karenb said...

What a fun card!

irisesther54 said...

Very nice card. This stamp set is great.

Chrissy Larson said...

Amy, this card is almost as cool as you! LOVE IT!

Unknown said...

Love the way you used the watercoloring technique.

Marisa said...

Nice touch with the watercoloring.

Patty said...

Swwweeet card!!

Linda Callahan said...

Too cute is riht! Love the water coloring! So glad you shared it at FMS!

Sandy M said...

What a happy the watercoloring.

Jen Mitchell said...

This really is too cute! I love your clever, watercolored takes on the sketch! Thanks for playing along with us at Freshly Made Sketches!

Sheri Gilson said...

Super cute! Love the fun watercoloring!

D.Ann C said...

Your water colored kitty is adorable!

Annette Snyder said...

So cute! I love the water coloring.

Leah said... that fabulous!

Jeanie said...

your watercoloring is amazing! so beautifully organic! and i love this new stamp set and dies -- already on my list! there goes my budget this month... oh well, great excuse to stay home and stamp!

Kathy said...

I agree that the watercolor adds so much to the card with the Halloween bunch....Fun!

NatQuebec said...

I love your card, its really nice with watercolors !

Linda M said...

Very cute. Love the watercoloring.

Lizzie T a/k/a Wifelady said...

Love this card! Love the watercoloring!

Denise Bryant said...

LOVE your watercolored kitty on a broom! Fun Halloween card! Love Too Cute to Spook! Fantastic set!

Brenda419 said...

Great way to use water color. Very nice.

cm said...

What else can I say but: this fabulous showcase has shifted my wish list to a wish novel! Your Halloween kitty...oh my!

Unknown said...

Love the way you watercolored the images for a very whimsical and delightful look.

~amy~ said...

GAH!!!!!!! I absolutely ADORE this Amy....sooooo over the top CUTE.

Majtolina said...

Watercolor cat is a must :)Love your work :)

Annie Rose said...

This watercolor is amazing!

Katia said...

this is one of my favorite cards, I love how you coloring with watercolor!

cghundley said...

This card is too much
fun! Loving the watercoloring
in the background.
Carla from Utah

Mimi said...

So so cute!

Birgit said...

This is so cute! Great water coloring!!

Celeste Goff said...

Love the's just fabulous!

None None said...

This is super cool! I love the watercoloring you did.

Larissa Heskett said...

WOWOWOWOWOW!! SUPER FUN!! THANKS for sharing and have a FABULOUS WEEK!! =)

Helen Gullett said...

:D Your card is super cute!!! Love the messy watercoloring :)

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