
For Sale

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Coffee Lovers Bloghop + Reverse Confetti

Happy Day-After-National-Coffee Day, everyone! Do you have a little caffeine hangover from all of the free cups you scored yesterday? Well, I've got a little coffee fix for you that I'm linking up with Amy Tsuruta's Coffee Lover's Blog Hop which is going on through October 2nd with 40+ sponsors giving up fabulous prizes. There's still time, so think about getting coffee-crafty and play along!

I've used products from Reverse Confetti that make coffee making a breeze (like a Keurig...when it works)!

The to-go cup pieces are die cut from Confetti Cuts Caffeinated Cups and the sentiments from For The Love Of Latte.

Thanks for stopping by today!


None None said...

What a fantastic coffee cup! I love the use of the wood veneer and the vellum..

New Creations said...

Love this coffee cup, so many beautiful elements!

Unknown said...

love the woodgrain!

Sylvia said...

Wonderful coffee card, Amy, love your wood grain coffee cup! Happy hopping!

~amy~ said...

I adore this AMY!!!

Shelly said...

Oh, this is awesome!!

Becca Yahrling said...

Great card - looks like real wood coffee cup (would that work?!).

I Card Everyone said...

OH would I love a wood veneered cup ... though I don't know how well it would hold up - would have shellac the heck out of it, wouldn't you? So cute!

Ceal said...

great card, love the "wooden" coffee cup

Helen F. said...

This is totally awesome, Amy~love that to go cup

D.Ann C said...

Cool idea to use wood grain for the cup!!

Celeste Goff said...

Love this card Amy! That wooden die cut cup is awesome!

VanessaB said...

Heehee. Sooo cute!!

Hetty said...

Very nice card.

Happy Dance said...

Great card with a great sentiment! Love the stripes and the wood veneer. Beautifully CAS too. Sweet card. Bev

Kathy Schweinfurth said...

So fabulous, fun and creative!

Lisa said...

Cute! They really should know better.. love your card! It reminds me of Ikea for some reason..

Cindy C. said...

Wood veneer cup?! So clever and cool!!

Helen Gullett said...

That cup is very creative and super cool!!!!!

Suzanne Reynolds said...

Like the flexibility of that stamp, have to look into it. Great card and like the heat beads coming from the coffee cups.

AmethystCat said...

cool cup! fun card

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