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Thursday, May 15, 2014

MFT Release Rewind Day 2 - Fishbowl Die-namics

Welcome to MFT Release Rewind - Day 2! I hope to inspire you with more ideas for those goodies you've purchased and are patiently waiting to be delivered, or to help you finish up your shopping if you're still on the fence.  Direct links to all products used on my cards can be found at the bottom of this post for your shopping convenience.

Both of today's card use the Die-namics Fishbowl with quite opposite features. I hope you enjoy my divergent thinking. ;-)

Let's start out with a traditional Die-namics Fishbowl in Black Licorice.

Add brightly colored elements that pop like crazy against the black background.

And finish off the inside with another sentiment from You're Fin-tastic.

Then, shake your head and turn this traditional Fishbowl Die-namics into a Halloween cauldron - Ah ha ha ha ha!

Ok, it might have had something to do with 'it's 5 o'clock somewhere' that inspired this crazy turn of events, but I LOVE it! The Die-namics Sequins make quite the bubbly brew, as well as the seaweed turned gloppy goo.

Lot's of fun Die-namics made this all possible, but it all started out with that little ol' Fishbowl, and a bit of tinkering with the sentiments from You Were Meant to Sparkle

I did a bit more tweaking with another sentiment from You Were Meant to Sparkle for the inside of the card as well. I love messin' with words!

Be sure to head on over to the MFT Blog for a complete list of designers playing along with today's Release Rewind so you don't miss out on a single thing!

Have a great weekend and THANK YOU for your sweet comments, I love hearing what you think.

Products used on today's cards:


PJH said...

Thanks for the first smile of the morning! Cute cards :)

Michele Boyer said...

You are SO creative! That bowl of goo is AMAZING. The goo...the bubbles...all of it! ♥

Judith said...

Actually, I don't like Halloween, but I like the idea of the bowl. Fantastic card!!

Queen Mary said...

Amy, I was thinking how cool your black and pink fish bowl was, I was framing my comment -- sexy! Then I saw the witch's brew and I laughed out loud! This is why they say we should listen until the other person is finished speaking before we start thinking of our answers! Fantastic!

Anonymous said...

SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!! A cauldron!!!! How brilliant is that GF! Both are really great!

wendy said...

eek, so creative ..LOVE it

Liz said...

I love u turned into Halloween love the tropical feel with the first

Anonymous said...

Love what you did with the cauldron!! Clever is an understatement!! WOW!! LOVE it!! Way to get them brain juices flowing!! Joleen

Unknown said...

very creative, love how you mixed u the fish bowl, one of my must have dies

Sharon Harnist said...

Absolutely brilliant, Amy! Love the neon fish tank & that cauldron is over the top!

Alina said...

they are fabulous, Amy!

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