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Sunday, April 6, 2014

MFT Release Countdown - Gerbera Daisy

Welcome to Day 2 of the Release Countdown with My Favorite Things. We're counting down the days until all of these hot new products can be placed in your MFT shopping cart on Tuesday, April 8th at 10pm EST. You'll find complete details at the MFT Blog along with information on how to win an MFT voucher to put toward your cart contents!

 I have two cards to share with you today featuring Happy Graduation, Graduation Accents and the gorgeous Gerbera Daisy Die-namics.

My first card combines the Gerbera Daisy with this week's Wednesday Stamp Club Sketch in shades of Fuse Green and Pink Lemonade.

 I've also used a new background stamp - On the Diagonal and Lisa Johnson Designs Beautiful Baby.

Inside, I've stamped another sentiment in Fuse Green ink from Beautiful Baby. It's a must-have set.

Second up is a graduation card in the ever so popular 'chalkboard' look.

Sentiments from Happy Graduation in Sweet Tooth pigment ink on Black Licorice card stock makes for the perfect chalkboard grad card.  I've combined stamping with die cuts from Graduation Accents for a mixed media look.

Inside is a bit more of Happy Graduation, Blueprints 14 and stars from Sun, Moon & Stars Die-namics.
I hope you're enjoying all of the Release Countdown products as much as I am this month, although I think I say that every month! Full product reveals are available each day at the MFT Blog as well as links to all designers and our guest designer, which you don't want to skip. Ü


Links to new products will be functional next Tuesday, April 8th at 10pm EST.


Tammy H said...

Love, love, love that baby card. So sweet. The grad card is fun also.

jeannine said...

Fabulous cards! Love the daisy!

loulou said...

Fantastic cards. I love that beautiful soft pink gerbera. Great layout on the graduation card.

Kathy Krug said...

I love the layout and colors of the first card and how you created a line that led to the focal image.

Debbie Nelson said...

Love both cards!

Tracey said...

Your first card is beautiful!! And the second is awesome!!

Anonymous said...

Both of them are stunners Amy!

Renee V said...

Beautiful cards, love the sentiments - the white ink looks so pretty against the black!

Marcia Taylor said...

NICE cards!!! The layout of your first card really grabbed my eye. said...

I absolutely love the baby card. Soft colors! Graduation at an angle is very eye catching. Thanks for the chance to win.

carol watson said...

Love the chalk technique and the sweet baby card,nice cards.

Linda T said...

Lovely card. Love the colors you chose. I'm just in love with the daisy dies.

Kristie Goulet said...

Very sweet baby card!

Felicia - Scrapper in the Making said...

Great Cards...

Janelle said...

Especially love the flower and color combo on your baby card.

Mclay said...

Yikes! I love Gerbera Daisies!!! Sweet card!

Lagene said...

Great cards! Love the daisy!

Parker said...

Welcome Baby card is gorgeously set apart by the beautiful daisy.

Anonymous said...

Great cards for this release.

Holly AKA KopyKat said...

Oh this is so pretty

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