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Monday, April 21, 2014

MFT Creative Challenge - {Jazzy} Succulents

Hi, and welcome to this month's Creative Challenge with the Team MFT. This month's challenge is all about jazzing up your flower Die-namics with prints and texture.  I am with  succulents and took this month's Creative Challenge as an opportunity to create papercrafted succulents by combining a few of my favorite MFT Die-namics Flowers.

I chose to stick with Sour Apple card stock for each of my blooms, sometimes even mixing Die-namics to in order to create my desired succulent. To jazz my blooms, I stamped each with Background Typewriter Text in Sweet Tooth pigment ink.

My version of Succulent - Echeveria uses the Die-namics Poinsettia and Flower & Leaves Trio.

I fashioned a 'wood block' from the Die-namics Treat Tote (cut three times), Kraft card stock and Woodgrain Background in Grout Gray ink.

The leaves from the latest Blueprints 14 reminded me of a  Succulent - Crassula, so I die cut 4 of them and arranged them in a Die-namics Pillow Box 'vase'.

Before adhering the Pillow Box together, I die cut a small circle on one side using a flower center from the Free with $60 Die-namics Gerbera Daisy to create the look of a vase.

I think this pair would be darling on a kitchen windowsill or office desk space.

Up next: a set of matching thank you cards to go with my potted succulents...
My first card uses the stamens from Poppy Builder in combination with the petals from Hybrid Camellia Flower Die-namics. The sentiment from Just My Type is stamped in new Kraft Hybrid Ink, and I love that it doesn't fade into the card stock, giving a nicely balanced tone on tone look.

Inside is an offset Kraft panel stamped with a sentiment from Complimentary Greetings and brushstroke from Abstract Art in Sour Apple ink.

My second card uses the Free with $60 Gerbera Daisy Die-namics, Blueprints 13 and a sentiment from Just My Type.

Inside, I've used another sentiment from Complimentary Greetings. I purposely combined Typewriter Text, Complimentary Yours and Just My Type for their similarity in font, but variation in font size. Love my 'complimentary' MFT products!

Thank you for stopping by for this month's Creative Challenge! I hope I've inspired you to jazz up your blooms and mix and match your Die-namics to create custom plants and florals. All products used on today's projects are listed below.  Finally, visit the MFT Blog for complete challenge details.



AmyR said...

haha succulents…..I shake my head at how your mind works! Totally brilliant :)

Tracey said...

Loving the Sour Apple colour!!! Fantastic!!

Anonymous said...

Good morning, I really liked your combination of colors, the stamping before the die cutting and the arrangments!! Thank you!

Carol McCready said...

Love the color you picked for your
blooms. They look awesome.

Joy said...

Stunning Amy, love how you produced your succulents and so pretty with green and Kraft, hugs

Rsgoldfast said...
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Fifa14.vipmmobank said...
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