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Saturday, April 26, 2014

{Bless You} Concrete Succulent Planters

What I really wish these Fishtail Banner had room to say is "bless your pea-pickin' heart!".  These mini planters are gifts for the greatest bunch of volunteers at our church - the Sunday School Teachers. Bless their pea-pickin' hearts!

Hubby and I made a bunch of mini concrete planters this week to house these adorable succulents.

I simply added a Black Licorice fishtail banner from Blueprints 12 stamped with one of the sentiments from Cheerful Blessings. Love how they turned out.

To make the fishtail banner, I stamped the sentiment on the right side of half of the banners and on the left side of the remaining banners so I'd have banners that faced both directions.

Before applying adhesive to the back of the banner, I curled the edge by running the banner between a bone folder and my thumb a few times. The curled edge gives a head start on adhering it to the wooden skewer.

I had the best luck ordering my succulents from THIS Etsy store, and I followed a number of tutorials found on Pinterest for the concrete planters. HERE is a link to my Pinterest board containing those tutorials. And finally, direct links to the MFT products used are found below.

Have a great weekend!

MFT Products used:


Joy said...

Gorgeous gift idea, the more I see succulents especially ones like this in pretty pots makes me think I may need one :) hugs

Chris said...

Fantastic - love it when projects turn out so wonderfully! Thanks for sharing the how-to :)

Fifa14.vipmmobank said...
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Mona Pendleton said...

Such a cute idea Amy! Thanks for the inspiration!

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