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Sunday, March 9, 2014

MFT Release Countdown - Day 2

The combination of today's featured set, Magical Memories, and WSC 166 has given me the push I've needed to make a Micky Mouse card that I've been contemplating for oh, only about 9 months now. Seriously, I've been wanting and trying to figure out a fun, clean and simple Micky Mouse design, and I think I finally accomplished my goal!

I started with a small and large Circle STAX Die-namics cut from Black Licorice and Red Hot cardstock, trimming the Red Hot circle down to half. The horizontal banner from the Wednesday Stamp Club sketch provided the perfect 'cover up' for the transition between the two colors.

Speaking of 'perfect', how perfect is this sentiment from Magical Memories. I'm a smitten kitten when it comes to this new set from Laina Lamb Design, so many possibilities for cards and scrapping memories!

Inside I've used more Magical Memories sentiments and a elements from Blueprints 13, which is quickly becoming my new best stamping friend - I LOVE this new Blueprints set!

Thank you for stopping by for Day 2 of the Release Countdown with My Favorite Things. Can you believe it's just almost here?! Tomorrow night at 10pm EST you'll have full access to all of the products we've been tempting and teasing you with these past few days. Remember that you can find complete details at the MFT Blog along with information on how to win an MFT voucher to put toward your wishlist.

Links to New Release products will be available Tuesday, March 11th at 10pm EST.


slbt17 said...

Sandra ltb

Katie said...

Each day brings more loveliness!!

Gabby said...

Love it! Sooo cute! :)

Debbie Nelson said...

How it!

The Lazy Lacquerist said...

Sooooooooooooo cute!

Pam said...

I love your take on a Mickey Mouse card. Perfection.

Lisa H. said...

yep! nailed it!!! loooove this so much.

Anonymous said...

Freakin' brilliant GF!

Tracey said...

This is just fabulous Amy!!

Judith said...

Oh, what a brilliant idea! Thank you for this inspiration - pinned already (-;

Kristie said...

LOVE your card!!! It is SOO cute. I would love to try and make something similar on a smaller scale for a pocket page. Thanks for the great idea!

Queen Mary said...

Amy, I knew someone would go Mickey Mouse on us! It's beautiful and I love it! Its beautiful!

Parker said...

I'd love to make this card for my daughter using MINNIE. The sentiments are perfect for this type of card as well as a thousand others.

Felicia - Scrapper in the Making said...

Now this is definitely a kid at heart card and I'm one of them too. So cute!

Shanna Shands said...

This is so cute and great for MM or MM invites!

Shanna Shands said...

This is so cute and great for MM or MM invites!

Holly AKA KopyKat said...

OMGosh this is so seriously cute!!! I love it.

Kelli B. said...

How creative! Love it!

Janelle said...

How cute is this!!! What a great idea for Mickey.

Patt H. said...

Very clever! Love this one!

Taasha Blevins said...

This is so cute! Love it!

Julie Ann said...

Love the card and the sets.

Marcia Taylor said...

LOVE...LOVE...LOVE your Mickey card!!! It's FABULOUS!!!

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