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Monday, March 10, 2014

MFT Release Countdown - Day 1!

Thank you for stopping by for Day 1 of the Release Countdown with My Favorite Things. Tonight at 10pm EST you'll have full access to all of the products we've been tempting and teasing you with this past week, and you can find complete details at the MFT Blog along with information on how to win an MFT voucher to put toward your wishlist!

My last card of this month's Release Countdown is a combination of the Tall Grassy Edge Die-namics and a couple more sentiments from Lisa Johnson Designs Words of Inspiration.

My intent was to create a grassy beach scene that pulls you in and calms you right down.

I cut a Tall Grassy Edge from Olive card stock and tied it with Hemp Cord, and then stamped my sentiment in Black Licorice ink. I think the single floating Flat Bottom Cloud provides nice balance.

Inside the card is another sentiment from Words of Inspiration stamped on a Sno Cone background from Watercolor Backdrops.

I hope you've enjoyed my Release Countdown projects and have found inspiration along the way. Remember to stop back tonight at 10pm EST for the New Product Launch where Team MFT will have even more crafting goodness using products from this release. Clicking on the links below will take you directly to those products for your click-n-shop convenience!
Links to New Release Countdown products will be functional Tuesday, March 11th at 10pm EST.


Debbie Nelson said...

Love your beach scene...wish I was on the beach right now!

Taasha Blevins said...

Simple card but the affect is achieved, definitely beachy. Very nice.

Julie Ann said...

Ver simple but stunning card.

Anonymous said...

Love it!

Tracey said...

This is beautiful Amy!!

Felicia - Scrapper in the Making said...

This is a cute CAS card. Very nice.

Marcia Taylor said...

Very creative.

Parker said...

I like this look, and I truly love the new sentiment stamp set Words of Inspiration.

Queen Mary said...

Amy I think this is a great card! I know it's a little bit serious, but I think of a duck blind! It is beautiful though!

Janelle said...

This is just charming. I love the whole look, and the grass is perfect.

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