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Monday, March 24, 2014

MFT Creative Challenge - Perfect Packaging

Welcome to the MFT Creative Challenge - Perfect Packaging. The MFT Design Team is on hand to share some fun ideas to creative perfect packaging for any occasion using MFT Die-namics. Complete details for this month's Creative Challenge can be found on the MFT Blog.

I've enlisted the help of the Die-namics Square Pillow Box along with my favorite farm animals from Life's Direction and die cut letters using the Little Lowercase Letters Die-namics.

After cutting each box from Black Licorice card stock, I embossed each animal in white and then rubbed Sweet Tooth ink around each image to create a chalkboard look.

Each tag is a die cut combination of the double ended fishtail flag from Blueprints 12 on one end and the smallish rounded rectangle from Blueprints 13 on the other. Before adhering the die cut letters, I stamped each Kraft tag with stripes from Striped Backgrounds in Sour Apple, Lemon Drop and Orange Fizz to brighten 'em up!

My original idea was to fill each of these boxes with made-from-scratch BBQ rubs, but then I got thinking that they'd also make adorable party favors for a farm themed birthday. Milk Duds in my 'moo' box would be perfect!

You might even include a dry chicken soup mix in this one in a get well soon basket.
 Or how about some chocolate covered bacon in this one? Ü

I hope you've enjoyed my Creative Challenge - Perfect Packaging and are inspired to use your favorite MFT stamps and Die-namics to create personalized packaging for your next occasion! Below are direct links to all MFT products used. Thanks for stopping by.


Joy said...

OMG how adorable are these, love them, hugs

Queen Mary said...

OK Amy, these are truly adorable! I love the little tags!

Gabby said...

So neat! Love the chalkboard look with the farm animals on them. :)

Linsey R said...

Such cute ideas Amy! I love them all!!! And your farm pillow boxes are delightful!

Marcia Taylor said...

Super creative!!!

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