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Monday, February 24, 2014

MFT February Creative Challenge - Stencils!

What's hot right now and can be used in a gazillion different ways? Stencils! This month's Creative Challenge is all about using stencils, and My Favorite Things has a grand selection of them, so sit get ready to soak up some stencil goodness because the MFT Creative Team is on hand to provide you with lots of inspiration. Check out the MFT Blog for a complete list of those playing along today.

My first card uses the Petal Circles Stencil to dry emboss a soft and subtle background.

Because the Petal Circles Stencil reminded me of a double wedding ring quilt design,  I went with an americana-like color scheme and Sunflower Die-namics in Fuse Green and Happy Hello Die-namics in Nightshift Blue.

I had a bit of fun with the inside of this card complete with a bit of squawking from the Life's Direction rooster and Smart Phone Die-namics speech bubbles stamped with sentiments from the Friend Request stamp set.  Listed below are the MFT products used on this card:

Next up is the Striped Stencil used with acrylic paint that was tinted with Spearmint reinker for soft background with texture to boot.

After painting my Spearmint stripes, I lifted the stencil and sprinkled gold embossing powder to resemble sea spray.

To heat set the embossing powder, I held my paper over a stove burner turned on medium high heat versus using a heat gun that could have potentially blown away some of the powder between the stripes.

I had fun with the inside of this one, spritzing my inked stamps from Go Overboard and Watercolor Backdrops with a leftover concoction of water/Sno Cone reinker/Mix-ables Sheer Shimmer Mist. I LOVE the water-color look that spritzing gives. More gold embossing on the sentiment and 'sea spray'.  Listed below are the MFT products used on this card:

I hope you've been inspired to pull out your stencils and use them this week. I know I definitely pushed myself past my fear of the stencil-unknown.Good luck and have fun!


Inge Groot said...

Gorgeous cards Amy, I absolutely love the touch of gold and the dry embossing!

Kelly said...

Beautiful cards. I love your use of stencils. TFS!

Kim O'Connell said...

I love the layout on that first card and I LOVE the paint splatters on the second one!

Lisa H. said...

two fabulous cards, Amy. LOOOOVe the cut out circle for the sunflower and the embossing in the background is so pretty. I adore the stripes on the second one, and the color scheme...sooo pretty!

Ruth G said...

Wonderful projects! I love the homey feel of the first card and such a great nautical look on the second one! Fun ways to use the stencils! I have no clue how to dry emboss with a stencil. Do you happen to have a tutorial anywhere? I'd love to give it a try!

Anonymous said...

You rocked this challenge GF!

Angel said...

Man, these are both so cool! Love the bold colors of the first one and that awesome gold touch on the second!

Margaret R said...

I love the Spearmint tinted paint stripes - such a great idea. The dry embossed card is lovely and what great value stencils are.

Marcia Taylor said...

Super CREATIVE cards!!!

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