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Saturday, January 25, 2014

MFT Wednesday Stamp Club

It's time for another fun sketch challenge from My Favorite Things! As always, complete details can be found at the MFT Blog, and direct links to all products used at the bottom of my post.  Here's a look at this week's sketch: 

I created a 'teacher valentine' with the sketch, turning the Die-namics TRANSFORM-ables Heart Full of Love into a teacher apple {wink}. The heart-apple stem and leaf are part of the Red Delicious Die-namics, and so fun in Blu Raspberry card stock.

Laina Lamb's Head of the Class script alphabet stamp kept things old school, while the Striped Backgrounds in Banana Split ink gave this valentine a trendy twist. 'BE MINE' is spelled out with the Negative Dot Alphabet Die-namics in Primitive White card stock.

The inside of the card consists of another Red Hot Die-namics TRANSFORM-ables Heart Full of Love stamped with a sentiment from Lisa Johnson's fabby Valentine's Day set, Love's the Ticket.
Thanks for taking a peek at my 'teacher valentine' today. I hope it inspires you to get started or finish up all those valentines you'll be sending out soon! Below are direct links to all products used on today's card.



Karen Motz said...

You're brilliant turning the heart into an apple for a teacher!

Laura Davis said...


Heather Rogers said...

This is super cute, Amy! Love the chalkboard look. :)

Nora Noll said...

I LOVE this!! What a cute idea to put an apple in instead of the circle!! Adorable idea!!

Tammy Hershberger said...

Amy, that is just too cute!

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