
For Sale

Thursday, October 23, 2008

cuppa for my daughter

I decided it was high time I participated in one of the Thursday Ways To Use It (WT189 for today) challenges. Julia Stainton is the challenge hostess each week, and today her challenge includes highlighting just one word in your creation and to also incorporate a bit of pink in honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness week. Click right here to play along with WT189.

My card uses Kim Hughes' set Little Gal and paper from TAC's Mimi paper pack. The cuppa (that's the fun way to say "cup of", thanks Sherrie/BCSherrie!) is paper pieced with the designer paper, and the tag featuring "daughter" is from a sheet of punch-outs included in the pack. Edges are sponged with Close to Cocoa ink and buttons draw your attention to the sentiment. I made this for my daughter, Kendra whom I've been thinking about a whole lot lately, and she's now at the age where we can go get a cuppa together!

Here's a fun picture of Kendra and George...they {heart} each other! The photo was taken this summer and it's one of my favorites!


Dawn McVey (dawnsing) said...

Amy, I lOve this card!! That cuppa! Those colors! That layout! Perfection!!

Have a goodie!

Julia Aston said...

Beautiful card Amy - and what a lovely daughter to share a Cuppa with!

Broni said...

Amy, I just LOVE your card! Especially the cuppa!! And I ADORE that picture! Definitely one to cherish forever!!

Two Happy Stampers said...

Fun, fun card! The green just jumps out at you! Awesome job!

Jenn said...

Gorgeous card Amy!!! Love those great colors and that cuppa is so sweet! :D

Anonymous said...

Great card, Amy! I love the paper-pieced cup! And that picture is adorable!

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