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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Cammie's Cause, Part II

Please read the post below for the details of Carolyn King/Cammie's (SCS name) ginormous blog candy giveaway in honor of World Alzheimer's Day. Cammie is doing so many wonderful things to increase awareness of Alzheimer's disease in honor of her Grandmother.

In order to eligible to win Cammie's splendiforous blog candy giveaway, she's asking that you send a card to a caretaker of someone with Alzheimer's disease. My card uses my new CTMH Perfect Day designer paper along with a retired SU! set, Botanicals. The main image is watercolored in Kiwi Kiss, Groovy Guava and Riding Hood Red with a combo of blender pen and aquapainter. I chose this set because of the person's family I'll be sending this to. This particular woman who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's earlier this summer always had the prettiest flowers that could be seen by the roadside whenever we'd drive past their farm. The poppy from Botanicals along with the sentiment seemed the perfect fit.


Cindy Haffner said...

Beautiful card for a great cause Amy.

Anonymous said...

So pretty, Amy! I'm sure the recipient will truly appreciate it!

Nancy said...

This is a beautiful card for a great cause

Unknown said...

amy...this is drop-dead gorgeous!

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