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Saturday, December 26, 2009

A Birthday {SFYTT}

Happy Holidays, all! I hope your Christmas was filled with blessings, love and peace that continues into 2010. We still have lots of partying to do as my siblings are joining us for the holidays for the next three days or so. Monday we'll be celebrating my niece's 8th birthday, so I took the opportunity to use this week's SFYTT for Keara's birthday card.

Be sure to check out the rest of the team's cards as well:
Jen & Kim

Thanks for stopping in today, and be sure to stop back on Monday for a Whipper Snapper release!


  1. Cute, are your three kiddos....why didn't I realize that the older two are that old? YOU don't look old enough to have them, dearie! Happy New Year...hope to see you in person in 2010!

  2. This card is a perfect gift for birthdays. You have crafted it very beautifully which I like the most. Now its time to get the services of Custom Kraft Boxes, click for more information.


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