
For Sale

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Guess who...

...I had the pleasure of dining with last evening?! You guessed it--none other than the Carole Burrage/TruCarMa/Mother's Little Helper! It just so happened that she had business in Rochester, MN which happens to be just a hop, skip & a jump from my place (about an hour), so we hooked up! What an experience to finally meet one of my pretend friends in real life! I'll spare you all the boring details of our boring dinner, our so-so drinks, and our flat-line conversation, he he he! I will share a quick picture of the two of us--boy can we put on a happy face or what, huh?!

Sorry for our red-eyes...I couldn't find the darn red eye tool on my photoshop program! I promise, it wasn't the cocktails.


  1. What a great pic! I just hopped over to check out your blog and I see you two got to meet up. I bet you had a great time!

  2. How fun to meet up! Great pic of the 2 of you!!

  3. awww!! ya'll look so cute!! i hope i get to swing on up to rochester soon!! i wanna not have red eyes from the cocktails, too!! wink!! don't you just love carole!?! she a treasure!!

  4. Oh how fun!!! I love your pic!!! And how well I know there was nothing boring or flatline about your visit -- LOL!!! I had the pleasure of meeting Carole, though briefly, at CHA in July in Chicago. Now, if only I could meet YOU!!! One of these days!!! TFS!!!


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