
For Sale

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

For Payton!

Remember last week (or maybe it's been 2 weeks ago already!) I posted a tomato thank you card for my sweet neighbor girl, Shelby? Well, her sister Payton really liked Shelby's card and Shelby really like showing off her tomato thank you can see where this is going, right?, of course I had to make something for Payton! Payton is a year older than her sister and just started kindergarten at the beginning of the month, AND being a girly-girl, of course she likes pink, so I combined the school-thing and the color-thing and came up with this sweet little 4.25x4.25" card for her.

You'll notice a huge similarity to this lunch note/card I'd done for a SCS challenge a month or so ago using the same Lined Paper Backgrounder and pencil from Kim Hughes' Making The Grade set, available through Cornish Heritage Farms. The card base is Pixie Pink (don't you just love that name?) and the strip of Kiwi Kiss DSP is from the Bella Rose DSP pack. The black U & R were cut from my Red Tag Alpha run through my Cuttlebug. Two jumbo black brads and a few smatters of black ink using the color spritzer tool hold it all together.

I hope Payton enjoys this little ditty as much as I enjoyed making it for her! Now she can hang her card on the fridge next to sissy's tomato card!


  1. This card is adorable! Such girly colors....

  2. So cute! I love the colours you have chosen!

  3. SO cute!! I'm sure Payton will be showing this one off!!

  4. This is adorable! I love everything you've done with this set!


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