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Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Color Throwdown 613 - Blessings

For some reason, fall seems like a wonderful time to count our blessings and since daily gratitude practice is actually shown to generate new neural pathways, why not count them twice! 
 I for one am grateful for another beautiful color challenge to play with this week; another chance to connect with the online crafting community through our sweet weekly challenge; and another chance to fill social media with beautiful creations in orange, red and purple.  Have I convinced you yet? Check out the team links below and let your happy neurons start popping!


  1. Your card is beautiful with just the pop of the challenge colours. Those diamonds are fabulous x

  2. Wow. Not only is your card gorgeous, you've given me food for thought. I think I better count mine 10 times...

  3. I am loving the white on white with the brilliant pops of colour from the amazing inspiration photo xx

  4. I LOVE the white space on this card. Stunning design!


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