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Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Color Throwdown 550 - Enjoy!

 waffle flower | sugarpea designs

Hi, and welcome! I have been out of commission for the last month and a half due to broken fingers on my dominant hand, but I'm baby steppin' it back into the crafty arena and couldn't BE more excited! I have this week's Color Throwdown Challenge for you today in shades of red, green and black.  Take a look below to see how I've been inspired by this week's color swatch.

If you upload to a public gallery, please use the key words CTD550, and please use #ctd550 and #colorthrowdown on social media sites. 

Thanks so much for visiting and enjoy the inspiration linked below from the CTD crew and July guest, Susie Moore!

Vickie Zimmer 
Wanda Cullen
Susie Moore, July Guest Designer - Created 4 Creativity


  1. I have been worried about you, Amy! If this is any sign of your recovery? I'd say you're mending well!
    Just darling!

  2. Well, your mojo certainly didn't get dusty taking that break! WOW this is adorable! Those glasses!!

  3. It's so nice to see you back! Amy, can you tell me what you use to color your images? I just love your style.


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