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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Color Throwdown + SPD Mix It Up

Welcome to another double challenge Wednesday! It's my turn to share my take on the SugarPea Designs Mix It Up Challenge for May as well as this week's Color Throwdown Challenge, so I've once again combined the two challenges using the MIU sketch and CTD colors - pale yellow, red and gray.

I started with an open white card base and then topped it with the smaller SugarCut - Postage Panel, also in white. I really, really love monochromatic layers as it give the focal elements such a nice pop. Speaking of pop, I die cut Fabulous from deep red cardstock and then mellowed it with a gray strip stamped with a coordinating Simply Fabulous sentiment. Finally, to pull in the yellow from the challenge colors, I added a snippet of yellow striped washi tape and then finished my card with enamel dots in gray.

Stop at the SugarPea Designs blog for more inspiration from my teammate, Kelly. Remember to play along for your chance to win a $50 SugarPea gift certificate. 

Click on through the design team and guest links below for more color inspiration.
Vickie Zimmer
May Guest Designer - Rachel Alvarado - The Unpampered Stamper


  1. Your card is so perfect. In every way. Thank you for the wonderful inspiration.


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